#22 You Are A Beautiful Soul…

~ 6 minute read time ~

~ 6 minute read time ~


Ought to


All of the wonderful

Reasons why


Awful and


Experience, teaches you to be even more

Amazing and develops within you a sense of

Utilising your inner strength and resilience.

To manifest all of your dreams and desires

In a way that offers you peace and

Fulfilment from a place of

Ultimate acceptance and


Within you is everything you need!

It’s from inside where you synthesise abundance, creating

Synchronicity, serenity and flow. Life is fleeting in its

Evanescence. It’s a gift, yet we often forget to practice gratitude and

Kindness towards ourselves and others.

It takes effort to dig deep and suffer all that life throws at us, yet we must

Not shrink or grow small or become bitter or

Depressed. We must take on the challenge to love ourselves, by manifesting 

Abundance through

Being consistent in our thoughts, our words and our actions in an attempt to

Understand this Human Condition of ours.

Now that you know you are the Universe manifesting in human form for a while,

Don’t allow yourself to slide backwards and

Accept any of the old stories you used to tell yourself such as you’re

No good, you’re broken, you’re not enough. We all have some kind of

Trauma that we have to heal, by creating time and space to sit with your

Pain is how you can accept your past, feel the discomfort and

Own it all. Be accountable, and start to do the

Work to 

Ensure you become the Gatekeeper of your life. Set strong and

Robust boundaries. Ask others to respect your emotional time and space so you can

Foster a sense of self. Know thyself. Become your own best friend. Show others to

Understand how to treat you better and do not accept

Less from anyone, least of all yourself!

Send your higher vibrations out into the Universe and you’ll not

Only attract and receive more, you’ll

Uncover untruths that’ve kept you small all this time. Let go. All you need is less.

Love yourself like your life depends on it, because it does.


LP x


#23 I Wish You A Stoic Christmas


#21 We All Need to Feel Seen & Heard